Elevate your consciousness
and live more authentically.

Help your kids grow into their
free and authentic selves.

Rediscover and learn to trust
your inner wisdom.

Learn to use your inner wisdom
as a compass you can trust.

Transform your life and the way you see your kids (and the world).

Is parenting draining all of the energy out of you? Are you overwhelmed and exhausted, trying to get your children to just do as they’re told? To be different than they are?

Have you tried the traditional parenting styles and doled out all the discipline techniques? And found nothing works? Take a deep breath. I’ve been there. And I can tell you, parenting doesn’t need to be a stressful game of tug and war between you and your kids. There’s another way…

You can transform your parenting from a journey of conflict and chaos to one of joy and connection. Let me show you how.

My name is Angelica and I help mothers and fathers have a more joyous parenting experience.

Through my coaching, they are able to rediscover their authentic self and heal their emotional wounds so they can better connect with their loved ones, especially their children.

Conscious Parenting

I offer one-to-one coaching to sweeten your experience of parenting, moving you from a relationship of fear and control to flow and connection. Be prepared to enter a deeper and stronger relationship with your child.

The Conscious Parenting approach, pioneered by Clinical Psychologist Dr Shefali, combines Western psychology with wisdom from the East, bringing together the best of both worlds in a method that works.

The Conscious Parenting approach is radically different from traditional parenting methods.

Are you ready to give up control and try something new?

How does Conscious Parenting work?

Under all the layers of ego is the true self. Once parents discover their true self, they can tap into their essence and parent from a fearless and authentic place.

What does coaching look like?

We’ll have one-to-one sessions together for a minimum of six weeks. Though we’re doing life-changing work, every session with me is laidback and relaxed.

Who is
Dr. Shefali?

Dr. Shefali Tsabary is a world-renowned clinical psychologist, who specializes in combining Eastern wisdom with Western psychology, creating a well-rounded approach.

Life Coaching

Prickly problems show up in all areas of life. Whether you’re experiencing issues with a co-worker, a friend or a family member, you don’t have to deal with them alone.

With me, you’ll have a gentle guide to help you navigate those problem areas in your life. We’ll figure out what’s causing your discomfort, so you can respond from a clear authentic place.

Contact me if you would like to

Navigate life from a strong sense of authenticity

Identify the behavior patterns that keep you stuck

Rediscover your true self

Cope with fear and anxiety

Improve your relationships with others

Identify what is keeping your from living a fulfilling life

Allow your children to become the truest expression of their authentic selves.